Archive | April 2010

Do you accept taka?

It is always a little “complicated” getting ready to travel overseas. The latest wrinkle sounds like a commercial for Master Card and VISA. The airline I am flying from Detroit to Bangkok, (the first part of the trip to Bangladesh) does not accept taka, the local currency in Bangladesh. So…. if I pay for the ticket in US dollars, and if I were reimbursed in taka upon arrival in Bangladesh, I wonder how many points I would earn on my Cabela’s card?  The exchange rate is approximately 69 taka to every 1 US dollar.  Thus, airline ticket–126,000 taka, hotel in Bangkok-38500 taka, Bangladesh experience–Priceless! and 164,500 Cabela’s points! 🙂 To put this in perspective, the airline ticket alone is about 3 years of income based on the vital statistics of per capita income in Bangladesh for 2007-08.

Nomoshkar! The countdown begins….

After many scheduling challenges, my travels to Bangladesh will soon become a reality. Preparation that was “on hold” is now in full swing–from malaria prophylaxis to learning survival Bengali phrases in less than two weeks. I am excited to explore  a new country and volunteer in a different part of the world. Although I am never quite sure about the reality of any trip until I reach the airport with ticket and passport in hand! I am hopeful the vaccination prep will be tested soon!

This entry was posted on April 28, 2010. 2 Comments